Winners of the 2021 poster competition announced!


We are thrilled to announce the winners of this year’s British Science Week poster competition! Based on our 2021 theme, ‘Innovating for the future’, this year’s entries certainly fulfil the brief and showcase the wonderful imaginations of well over 2,500 budding young scientists across the UK.

We have one winner and two runners up for each of our four categories – Early Years, Infant, Junior and Senior – as well as a winner from our popular vote, hosted on our Facebook page.

Early Years winner

Rahav-Ram, Krishna Avanti Primary School

A poster showing the flying recycling sukkutron, a machine that improves the world in various ways including planting new trees and cleaning plastic from the ocean.


  • Lara, Newton Primary School
  • Oscar, West Byfleet Infant School

Infant winner

Blythe, Crackley Hall School

A poster showing a Volcano Energy Extraction System to provide energy to poor countries.


  • Mae, Grimsdell Pre-Prep School
  • Veer, Sherborne House School

Junior winner 

Ella, Grassmore Primary School

A poster showing the injecto-fly, a device that can quickly vaccinate alot of people against Covid-19.


  • Jasmine, Eveline Day School
  • Bally, St Bede’s Prep School

Senior winner

Zoe, Withington Girls’ School

A poster showing mobile bubble homes, a system that would protect the world from household human pollution.


  • Elijah, The Kings School
  • Emma, Clapton Girls’ Academy

Congratulations to our category winners and to those who reached the shortlist – the excellent standard of posters across the board did not make it easy for our judges!

Tony Stanford, North Europe R&D Operations Leader for 3M, a lead partner for British Science Week, was delighted to be on the judging panel for this year’s competition. “From a companion bot called BOBO through to a fully designed Eco City,” he said, “the variety of ‘science innovation’ ideas and the quality of the poster designs was truly inspiring. Innovating for the future is what we do every day at 3M, and it was fantastic to see young people’s imagination and vision applied to finding ways that science can improve lives around the world.”

Popular vote winner

The winner of this year’s popular vote, which received the most ‘likes’ of all the shortlisted entries on our Facebook page, was this brilliant poster by Bally from St Bede’s Prep School.

A poster showing a city in the future, with various technological inventions that might exist in the future.

Well done again to all our winners and runners up this year – and a huge thanks to the many more who took part in the competition! We were hugely impressed by the artistry, vibrancy and of course innovation of the entries, all which showed a real passion for science and its role in society.

If you’ve been inspired by this year’s poster competition, be sure to get involved in British Science Week 2022! Running from 11-20 March, this ten-day celebration will be a chance for everyone to explore and interact with science in all its marvellous forms. Follow our updates on Twitter over the coming months to learn more about funding opportunities, activities and resources that will help you make the most of the Week!