British Science Week 2023 Kick Start Grants case studies

Find inspiration for your Science Week activities here!

Planning events and activities to run during British Science Week with Kick Start Grants funding is exciting, but sometimes you need a little inspiration! At the British Science Association’s recent Engage Teacher Conference, two teachers in the Engage Teacher Network from different schools spoke about their experiences of using Kick Start Grants, from step-by-step guides to how to plan and execute events, to advice on involving parents and carers, and making activities sensory and accessible.

Whether you’ve had a grant before or this is your first time applying, these example activities offer new perspectives on how best to engage your audience and ensure British Science Week has a long-lasting, positive impact. You can also view 2022 example activities, to read more stories on how primary and secondary schools around the UK have used the funding.

Yew Tree Community School

Yew Tree Community School in Birmingham was awarded a Kick Start Grant to support their events and activities for British Science Week 2023. Science lead Nasrin Ahmed spoke about how the school celebrated, including a school-wide bridge building competition!

“We also wanted to make that parental engagement a lot stronger,” Nasrin told us, “Parents were invited to garden with us and also the science workshop. All of this, I have to say, was very much dependent on whether we secured the [Kick Start] Grant.”

Nether Hall school

Nether Hall School, a school for children with special educational needs and disabilities in Leicester was awarded a Kick Start Grant to support their events and activities for British Science Week 2023. Class teacher Jane Hauton spoke to us about how the school celebrated, including sensory exploration of what a hedgehog feels like using natural resources like pinecones.

“Think outside the box, don’t be afraid because it’s science”, Jane advised other teachers thinking about British Science Week. “None of us our scientists in our school…anything and everything can be science.”

Tips and advice for applying

Here is a video that we created to show the best way to go about applying for a Kick Start Grant, the types of events we prioritise giving funding, top tips for making your application stand out, and example answers of a successful application.

Useful links

Kick Start Grants

Kick Start Grants 2022 case studies

Kick Start Grants 2021 case studies