British Science Week is finally here!
For the next ten days, the whole country will be getting stuck in with science. There are thousands of events happening across the UK, from Aberdeen to Jersey, and from Aberystwyth to Norwich! Find out what events are happening near you on our website.
It’s not just about the events though, we’ve also got some fantastic activities you can do at home or in the classroom!
Our 2016 Poster Competition is now underway!
This year’s theme is ‘Space for Science: Science in Spaces’, and we can’t wait to see all the fantastic ideas about the different spaces in which you can find and ‘do’ science. This includes outer space, digital space, personal space and more. The competition is open to students of all ages, as well as youth groups such as Brownies or Guides. Last year we received amazing posters from over 19,000 students across the UK and let our Facebook followers decide on the winners. Entries must be received by Friday 15 April 2016, so check out our website for instructions on how to apply.
If you’re looking for poster ideas based on this year’s theme, check out our Activity Packs. The packs can be used in the classroom or with the family. They include hands-on activities, like making your own electric dough to creating electric circuits! We have one pack for primary level and one for secondary, which provide step- by-step instructions for activities, along with ideas to get creative and take activities further.
Next Thursday sees the return of Demo Day.
Demo day is our annual initiative which gives teachers and technicians the opportunity to run their own in-class science demonstrations, engage students in new scientific concepts and provoke new discussions. Whether you have participated in Demo Day for the past two years, or you have never tried before, running your own demo is easy. We have lots of helpful resources with creative tips and stories from previous British Science Weeks. Pledge your involvement to Demo Day and you’ll be able to see who is participating across the UK through our interactive map.
Piloting this year, students can also earn Digital Badges by participating in British Science Week activities. This provides a new way to recognise students’ achievements – from watching a demo to participating in challenges. Progress through the levels to encourage deeper learning and find other badges on the platform.