Activity packs: Beyond the Week

Extend the STEM engagement!

British Science Week is a fabulous opportunity to raise the profile of STEM in your school, but don’t let the excitement about science end just because the Week has to!

There are ways to keep the engagement going, and help students continue exploring the world through STEM.

Great Science Share for Schools celebrates its tenth birthday in 2025

Great Science Share for Schools 2025 (GSSfS) is just around the corner! GSSfS is an annual, national campaign to inspire five to 14 year-olds to ask, investigate and share their scientific questions, starting this year on 17 June!

2025 marks the tenth anniversary of GSSfS – a decade of asking children and young people to become science communicators and share what they know.

There are lots of exclusive resources for all age groups including full lesson plans linked to the curriculum, extra-curricular activities, and the Great Science Toolkit which offers ways to support students to ‘work scientifically with increasing independence’.

There is also the opportunity to chat to scientists and engineers who can help smash stereotypes and these roles and who fills them.

GSSfS is a brilliant chance to keep the renewed interest in STEM inspired by British Science Week going.

Register here

Run CREST Awards throughout the year

In this year’s activity packs, you’ll find lots of information about how to use CREST as part of your celebrations for British Science Week, and some activities inspired by CREST activities and projects.

However, don’t feel that engagement with CREST must be limited to the Week; CREST can be run all through the school year, and parents/carers can support their children to work on projects during school breaks.

There are activities and projects for ages 3 to 19 covering all sorts of STEM topics, and secondary students can use the CREST question generator to design projects around topics that interest them most.

Early years and primary CREST activities are great tools for starting children off on their STEM journey, secondary projects are perfect for allowing students to behave like scientists and engineers and find their passions. Secondary projects also look fantastic on university and job application forms!

All the CREST projects are free to download from the CREST resource library.




Explore the CREST library here

Smash stereotypes all year

We’ll be bringing our Smashing Stereotypes campaign back for British Science Week 2025 – a collection of profiles of people who defy expectations about what it means to be a scientist.

They are fabulous resources to use during the Week, particularly to emphasise how broad range of STEM careers is and that they’re open to anyone, but don’t forget they’re available all year round.

All the profiles from previous years are still accessible on the webpage – there are lots to choose from to find the perfect role models for your students.

Using the profiles is a great way to keep STEM engagement going beyond the Week.




Explore Smashing Stereotypes here